So I've been a vegan for 5 weeks at this point. I have had a slip up regarding... chocolate! Ahhh man. I've been a vegetarian for about 4 years now. I felt that I was being a little hypocritical by not going all the way and cutting out dairy (I didn't eat eggs before... I hate them).
I've seen a lot of good changes since cutting out dairy. My skin used to break out all the time (I always had blemishes). I was very prone to cystic acne around my chin and mouth, but I haven't even had one in weeks... *knock on wood*. In general, my skin is much smoother and when I do get a blemish it is small and clears up in 2 days.
Eating vegan is definitely something I'm going to stick with for the foreseeable future.
Some swaps I've made with what I eat are:
1) rice milk
2) follow your heart cheeses.. I make "mac and cheese" several nights a week because honestly it is SO good. I think it tastes a lot like real cheese, and I'm really picky so that's saying something.
3) tofutti mint "ice cream" sandwiches.
All of these things are delicious. I love them.
Honestly, the improvements in my skin is all the incentive i need to continue with this change. (I haven't lost any weight.... definitely due to the fact that I haven't been exercising often...oops, and because I've been eating a LOT of food haha)